About Me

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I just returned back to the States after 11 years in Taiwan with my daughter. Taiwan is an excellent base for us explore Asia, while living in relative (gun free) safety, while benefiting from a cheap and efficient national health care system. The people are amazing too. I have Taiwanese friendships that are 20 years old and I'm always making new ones! My coworker here in CO is from Taiwan.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Vinyasa Sequence Dedicated to Emma

Emma was an animal lover, gentle by nature and I wanted to use some animals she was particularly fond of, as well as some of her hobbies. She was the epitome of temperance and being pulled by two opposing forces, hence some of the more difficult balances. There are some subtle heart and hip openers that really burn through some deep cobwebs of emotion. After a few rounds of flowing (of the easier flow), I felt lighter, as in heavenly light breaking through some of this grief, even for just a moment. Try flowing to this playlist.

Dedicated to my loving niece, free spirits must soar.

EMMA 10 1/2 Poses Flow

Child pose w/prayer hands
Puppy Pose
Rabbit Pose
DD-Humble Warrior/ Peaceful Warrior- Swan-Fallen Star Vinyasa (R/L)
Happy Baby

Intermediate Version
Child Pose w/ prayer hands
Puppy Pose
Down Dog
DD Twist R/L
Humble Warrior- Warrior 3-Peaceful Warrior (R/L)
Fallen Star
Visvamitrasana- Revolving Half Moon- Swan (1 Leg Vinyasa R/L)
Hands Under Feet
Standing Pigeon-Toe Stand (Padangustha Padma Utkatasana) R/L
Pigeon Twisted R/L
Vinyasa into Boat- Seated Forward Bend- Archer’s R/L
Half Lord Fishes R/L
Fish Pose
Happy Baby

+Swan is Eka Pada Hamsa Parsvottanasana

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Year Ago Your Hair Was Flowing

A year ago your brown hair was flowing
Your green Tigerlily eyes glowing like the Indian ocean
A year ago, the new year started full of hope, clean slates and plans
A strand of pearl future holidays, eventual birthdays on a delicate tomorrow chain
These past 365 mornings became a cruel century, displacing a former era
Ripped sheets in the beginning of a story
This new reality, heart poverty,  a missing seat at the table

Juevinile hopes full of reunions, fingers crossed under blankets for parental communion
Snowflake good-night kisses, flurries fallen upon closed eyelashes
Safety is an illusion, a brittle mirage that
Cracks the early chill dawn with a sigh and you're gone
Icicle memories, tears frozen like broken clocks
This bitter legacy torments me in the darkest January

Fall through the ice, knees to the terrain, drop the receiver, knife in the belly pain
Screaming to the spinning horizon your name- God with Us, barely a decade
Seasick on landlocked ground, in shock and confusion we drown in disbelief

Grasping for summer memories, last souvenirs of you here
Recall which songs merited your quiet content, the times that you giggled
In my lament replay videos of you laughing, devour your chuckle
Inhale traces of scent memories that still linger
Hell is being helpless in paradise without you

Our heavenly flower girl, eternal tween
Dropping us celestial love gifts like the petals in a wedding procession
Fragile flower sprinkle us more hallowed tokens to treasure
How you left this world, jubilant hibernation, blissful slumber
(I won't speak of the maternal betrayal)
Cherish how angelic you slept while I watched you dream

Sense you everywhere nearby, a hush, a gentle whisper
You wait to comfort our winter with Spring

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Reflections on Censoring Democratic Discourse

This poem is inspired by the 7 words banned from CDC's 2018 budget report:

Teachers once taught refraction and dispersion in a class called science
With a sword purge edit, slice the direction of a lexum wave
Droplets sanitize in an arc of seven
Blackout the sun and remove this human spectrum experiment American
No longer shining quite as bright, once I thought I had seen
A dazzling color spectrum

Hide what is weak, cover all tears, conceal fears of inner feminine exposure
Under animals hides of authoritarian repression
The blood life color bleeding
Red from the vulnerable vulva, open heart wound, susceptible girl muscle
That tender inside story

Fear the right of Other, the power to be liable
Covering mouths, cutting out tongues, one phrase at a time
Blot out some part of themselves, erasing letters, imprison the child
Abridging their own maturation by not serving, making moral choices
Choose to champion the voiceless,  to be a complete human prism

Instead wear your title banner yellow crown of seized entitlement
Bronze wielding swords on horseback stealing common pasturelands
Dam the rivers, poison word wells, privatizing shrine groves
Pre-emptive claims to sanitize our articulations in one mammouth, federal mansplain

Orange is my coral fetus, amphibian soul salmon egg
Attached to the cantaloupe womb wall
Wash of two pigments
Red vulnerable mother and yellow groom privilege
Like a little carrot, root vegetable handpicked (or not) by it’s
Child- bearer gardner

Gender is a verdant field, flourishing with every kind of herb and grass, moss and vine
Preferential bloom of one’s perennial essence
I’m my own ego sod as you choose your own turf, we quintessential alternative meadows

Blue is the evidence based of a cloudless sky
Fear the day an Emperor makes us call the sky anything but that celestial hue
When we whisper in secret what is true
Because one day he erased it all in a nuclear monsoon
Regret the time it began with the censor of
Seven hues from our democratic rainbow vernacular

Safeguard the science-based indigo evolution of research and examination
Bipedal hominids painting ocre magic under stalactites
Brewing beer, yogurt, by observation, peer reviewed trial and error
Fascination of absolute zero to Hubble Space Telescope missions
Require the experts and poets to hypothesize, measure our orientation

Make a sanctuary for the royal purple of diversity
Multifarious mindsets and a multiplicity of complexions
A medley of judgements, experiences and suspicions

Preserve that prism curve rainbow perception
Septuplicate of words illuminate
Our protesting hands a rising covenant banner
After this storm
We cheek by jowl radiate parts of these seven visible light waves
Supernumerary bands against this cadaverous censor