Your dance of harmonic tremors in the rift zone are overIn the deadlock of destiny young fern fronds grow, singed and rusty
Upon the graben valley between two warring fault lines
Goddess Pele devourer of land and Kampapua'a, feral hog former husband
Goddess Pele devourer of land and Kampapua'a, feral hog former husband
Igneous insanity from breathing deleterious gases
Her paroxysm fractures creation
Pele struck her fluvial daughter but no volcanic sacrifice was
Collapses the cliff swallowed by the ocean
Losing her was like a Polynesian paradise obliterated by an atomic bomb
God's tears fall in mammoth, obsidian raindrops
The soot avalanche mixed with debris formed in the dust cloud of
Kilauea's explosion
Sonic boom hit by the shock wave flash in my soul
Radioactive numb my brain to the core
Blister my crater center, engulfed by the island gods' legend
mushroom cloud struggle
Unexplained angelic failure to stop the gushing molten
Heaven and earth mingle
Glittering strangely like a mirage with bits of broken
Ring of fire around our shattered trinite hearts
A prayer cloud eleven miles high, flames of rage rising into
the stratosphere
Navigate mourning in a tailspin flying blindly
Radioactive wasteland
All that remained, a lapilli path of stone to the kukui doorframe