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I just returned back to the States after 11 years in Taiwan with my daughter. Taiwan is an excellent base for us explore Asia, while living in relative (gun free) safety, while benefiting from a cheap and efficient national health care system. The people are amazing too. I have Taiwanese friendships that are 20 years old and I'm always making new ones! My coworker here in CO is from Taiwan.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dreaming of Istanbul


How do I explain our connection?
Having never been properly introduced
meet me anyway
Inducing you with intuition
Giving me visions of coming salutations

Your guardian spirits have been seen fellowshipping w/ my angels
The spirit world brings us together
What stories and laughter are exchanged of their earthly stewardship?
Theirs is a pretense of Destiny inevitable

I feel your company among them the invisible
Faintly, I see them like an odor smelled from the corner of my eye

And still I ask,
How to make sense of your connection
An invention of the strangest logic of my mind
The depraved sensuality of the body
And so now I’ll try to answer-

My Iberian blood long cocktailed by Moorish golden ages
Absorbed and integrated long ago
My Syrian great-grandpa who bedded an Indian
Your Allah is not so foreign

I harmonize perfectly w/ your Sufi heritage
I understand well my body as temple
I’ve had interludes with the Beloved in my garden

Maybe its my Apache and Navajo migrationary places of origin
A far off steppe Kingdom I’ve never seen ruled by Khans and Mongolians
Perhaps we have a common ancestor, a common mother
A similar synthesis of Mediterranean and Asia
of sea and prairie and mountain
I’ve traveled around the world many times this life
in the wandering of mine ancestors
Only to return to the Origin
To Life
To You
The hero of your city
The pride of your father

The crowds line the streets armed with flowers and garlands
We trot side by side on horseback
Over 2 thousand years of genetic evolution recorded in the handling of our saddles
Of fiefdoms and clans of horse people
Of mountain people
Of epics of biology and Fate
Exalted for this one moment of unity
Of Love victorious

The wickedness and heartache of history, of war and senselessness
Kneel at once to the sounds of hooves upon the ancient highway
And all the obscurities and mysteries will become knowledge
for the masses
Who close their markets for this holiday
And celebrate this date like a flawless jewel of joy
The purist blend of metals
The gold of fiery sunlight smelted with the distant planet and coldest star

You are my sun
The gold of the deepest vein of preciousness
You melt the coldest void of the universe
I am quicksilver, cool as water dripping in caves of gaseous amethyst
Others misplace my honesty as fire

But only you know
I’m the silvery moon reflecting the sun

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